Pilot Line Testing

Pilot line testing for paper, film, and tissue. Test your embossing and engraving patterns.

Precision Roll Solutions offers in-house Perkins Lab pilot line test center facilitates for customers to gain hands-on insights into product development of embossing patterns for plastic, non-woven, paper, thin gauge metals, composite products, and other substrates.

Using the pilot line is a cost-effective way to conduct R&D and make adjustments to patterns and processes. Small, iterative batches inform decisions that build confidence about pattern precision and reduce the risk and expense of going to full production prematurely. Customers know with certainty that the pattern PRS develops will give them the product they want.

  • Material widths up to 18" 
  • Oil heating up to 350° F 
  • Nip loading up to 3000 PLI 
  • Max line speed of 150 FPM 
  • Steel embossing rolls 
  • Steel & rubber backing rolls 
  • Unwind & rewind stations 
  • Technician & engineering support available during trials

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Questions? Tough challenge? Need a second opinion? The PRS experts are here to guide you to your next-level engraved or precision roll solution. Set up a consultation today!

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